Wednesday, November 27, 2019

10+1 Reasons Why Students HATE College

10+1 Reasons Why Students HATE College This article’s going to bluntly set the record straight and explain why modern students increasingly hate college. Is it just the unwillingness to wake up in the morning and go to classes? Boring lectures? Poor grades? Teacher-student relations? We believe there is much more about the college hating issue and we are going to dig deeper. It’s not going to be pretty so be forewarned. Read at your own risk and enjoy! Reason #1: Students Feel Forced Into It Many youngsters see no other good options, it’s â€Å"student debt or bust.† The workforce seems in rapid systemic decay and the military isn’t their cup of tea. For whatever reason, these folks don’t believe they’re ready to be entrepreneurs. So, while they go through the motions and get decent grades perhaps, their heart really isn’t in it because they feel backed into a corner where college is the only escape. Reason #2: College is Earning a Bad Rap In the Western World â€Å"college† is definitely on the decline. 60% of college graduates are living at home with parents or working minimum wage jobs that don’t technically even require a high school diploma. The central banks high-jacked college educated and turned it into a debt-disbursement mechanism that few students seem to be benefiting from and the overall morale is suffering. Reason #3: The Costs are Getting Ridiculous It’s insane. In America over the last 30 years the price of a general college degree has risen by over 1000%! Interest rates have also gone up, along with the amount of student loans (over a trillion in the student loan bubble so far) bogging down the system. The whole mess wanes on the minds of students†¦ Reason #4: Social Anxiety Awkwardness Some college cultures are awesome beyond words, while others are hell holes for those that aren’t socially proficient or who havent yet matured enough to get along with the general college-going crowd. Reason #5: High School Days are OVER! In high school they were kick ass. In high school they were popular. In high school they rolled with the cool kids. In high school they were someone. Then they arrive on a four year college campus as a freshmen and find out that a) all that’s gone and b) they aren’t nearly as talented as they thought. This happens often in music departments, among thespians, sports, the arts, etc. Reason #6: Most Course Knowledge is Online Now Seriously, the system’s charging outrageous rates for knowledge that can be found via a quick Google search for free. How about all the free and inexpensive e-courses showing up online? How about the increasing library of free and inexpensive e-books containing the same knowledge directly from experts in their fields? The list goes on and on†¦yet still many are compelled by the â€Å"piece of paper† the established route awards (diploma). Reason #7: The Food’s Crummy With the amount of cash flowing into the bank coffers you’d think colleges could afford to feed students nothing but the best. They should be shelling out 5-Star delicacies for these prices! But, alas, dorm food is usually crummy and anything bought on-campus tastes like cheap buffet grubs. Reason #8: Indecisiveness Students get to college and have no idea what to do, what to major or minor in, or why they’re on campus at all. This indecisiveness can be crippling, daunting, and overwhelming to say the least. It causes both social and scholastic paralysis and this does not make their experience all that pleasant. Reason #9: Low Grades and Gargantuan Classes These two things go together because they feed on one another. Low grades obviously suck, but oftentimes the reason behind poor performance has to do with a lack of proper engagement with experts within the major. Being just another face in a crowd, or one in 50-100 students in a classroom, isn’t inspiring. Reason #10: Dashed Expectations Throughout middle school and high school they built up this fantasy of what college would be like, or should be like. Within a couple months of their freshmen year all these expectations are promptly laid to waste. Maybe they aren’t being invited to the mega parties. Maybe they didn’t make the team. Maybe the major they chose turned out to be a bummer in terms of course work. You get the idea. Extra Reason: The Future of College is Uncertain So there’s all of that stuff†¦ coupled with the rise of automation, AI, the digital workforce (no college necessary), and culture-wide disillusionment with â€Å"higher† education. Where will the traditional college institution be in another 4 or 5 years? It’s hard to say. Many will have closed their doors, while others will have transitioned into something else altogether. Speaking of which, when you picture the colleges of the future, what do you see? Do they even exist or has the internet and mobile devices completely taken over? Do you hate college too? Or is there a bright side?

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Treadway Case Essay Example

Treadway Case Essay Example Treadway Case Paper Treadway Case Paper The Treadway Tire Company Brief Case Analysis Consuela Jack EDD 8100 Foundations of Educational Leadership and Management 101 Laurel Springs Dr. McDonough, GA 30253 Telephone: (404) 944-1186 Email: [emailprotected] net Instructor: Dan Wait, Ed. D Introduction The Treadway Tire Company: Job Dissatisfaction and High Turnover at the Lima Tire Plant is a brief case written by co-authors Skinner and Beckham. The case generally pertains to issues dealing with morale problems and high position turnover among those that hold the position of foreman. In this case, Ashley Wall is the Director of Human Resources charged with finding solutions to the issues within the Lima Tire Plant. Since Ashley Wall works for the Lima Tire Plant, she will have to face some political issues in regards to managing the action research project as an insider. A written replication of the key issues, contextual lens, and power relationships will offer more understanding of Ashley Wall’s charge to uncover solutions to the issues that the Lima Tire Company was facing. Key Issues There are several issues within the Treadway Lima Tire plant. The first issue deals with the morale of the employees especially those that serve as foremen. Morale is low due to the way the foremen are treated by their superiors and the lack of respect that they receive from their unionized workers. â€Å"An employee satisfaction survey conducted in August 2007 and exit interviews of departing foremen revealed solid discontent in the plant and highlighted concerns about the line-foremen position† (Skinner and Beckham, 2008, pg. 4). The foremen in the company are few in number with approximately twenty hourly unionized employees that they have to manage, as well as other duties as prescribed. Both foreman and the hourly employees are treated disrespectfully due to the constraints of the perspective positions. The foremen have a great deal of responsibilities that must be completed at the end of every 12 hour shift that they work. Production of tires is a key responsibility for the foreman; they must make sure that the employees working under their management are on time and present to make production goals/deadlines. Another issue combines hiring and the lack of training that the foremen receive before being internally promoted, externally hired, or transferred from another Treadway Tire plant into the positions of foremen. Those that are unionized hourly employees promoted to foreman lack college training and job embedded training. The line-foremen positions were â€Å"available when jobs were posted on the bulletin boards in the plant and the internet† (2008, pg. 5). The external hires are young college grads with book knowledge, but very little skill training. Both internally hired and externally hired are made to go through strenuous and grueling interviews before being deemed the right person(s) for the job. The fact that little training is offered and a sink or swim mentality is maintained by those that supervise the foremen leads to more communication issues. The communication issues caused ineffective and belittling discourse between the general supervisors and the foremen and the unionized workers. Contextual Lens Economic factors play a major role in the issues that Lima Tire Plant faces, but growth, change, performance, and training holds to a greater cause for the issues addressed. The temporal perspective is the direction Ashley Wall may want to focus on when she considers analyzing the issues of morale, hiring, and training. In reading the case, this seems to be the direction to go in, but budget constraints leave little or no room for effective on the job training to occur. â€Å"Reading through her personnel files, Ashley Wall knew the problem of turnover in the foreman position- affecting a third of the salaried work force- was a complicated issue for Lima management to address† (2008, pg. 6) Realizing that the plant was not effectively training new managers was a major cause of the conditions or issues within the plant. Power Relationships According to the Coghlan and Brannick (2010) text, â€Å"Clearly any form f research in any organization has its political dynamics. Political forces can undermine research endeavours and block planned change. Gaining access, using data, disseminating and publishing reports are intensely political acts† (pg. 127). Ashley Wall may have to use extreme caution as she plans the action research project of discovering a solution for dissatisfaction and high turnover in the company. There are ten key power relationship that Ashley Wall will have to consider as she proceeds on with the in depth inquiry process at the Lima Tire Plant. Since, Ashley Wall was given the charge to delve in to this process by the plant manager Bellingham, she has already gained her relationship with her sponsor. The relationships that will be more challenging throughout this process will be the relationships between the interdepartmental, executives and organizational members, and executives and higher management. All three of these relationships deal with company employees communicating with each other and that has been part of the issues. Will there be anonymity through out this process? It will be quite difficult, but Ashley will have to keep all stakeholders in this process aware of what is at stake for the future of the Lima Tire Plant. Gaps or Unanswered Questions An unanswered question that plagues is the fact that Bellingham knows that part of the major issue is that more effective training needs to take place, but because of budget issues he can not allow the training to take place. What is he truly thinking and how does Ashley Wall convince Bellingham to make a way in the budget for foremen training? Conclusion The central concerns, in the Lima Tire Plant stem from many different sources, which are all related. Effective communication, formal training, and economic factors all play a role in the key issues. Coghlan argues the question, â€Å"Given that doing insider research seems to be so complex and can be fraught with danger, wouldn’t it be better to advise people not to select this approach†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (2007, pg. 5). The answer, absolutely; action research in the case of the Lima Tire Plant will bring about collaboration of the manager/researcher and those directly impacted by the outcomes and reflections. References Coghlan, D (2007). Editorial: insider action research. Action Research, 5, 5-10. doi: 10. 1177/1476750307072872 Coghlan, D. , Brannick, T. (2010). Doing action research in your own organization (3rd ed. ). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. ISBN: 9781848602168. Skinner, W. , Beckham, B. (2008, June). The Treadway tire company: Job dissatisfaction and high turnover at the Lima tire plant. Retrieved from Harvard Business Publishing Web site: http://custom. hbsp. harvard. edu/b01/en/implicit/p. jhtml? login=CAPE042409Spid=2189

Thursday, November 21, 2019

FlyBe Strategy Assessment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

FlyBe Strategy Assessment - Case Study Example Flybe operate' out of more UK airport' than any other airline. Flybe ha' been a market leader in developing it' range of pa''enger 'ervice'.' Flybe i' the only low co't airline to offer a bu'ine'' 'ervice, Flybe Economy Plu', and run' the UK'' mo't generou' Frequent Flyer Programme. We were the fir't low co't airline to offer online check-in to pa''enger' carrying hand and hold baggage; and the fir't to introduce a pre-a''igned 'eating facility allowing pa''enger' to pre-book their 'eat'. FlyBe i' the large't low fare airline in Europe. Operating through it' carrier FlyBe, the company run' flight' to around 120 de'tination' acro'' Europe, including airport' in Denmark, Germany, Norway, and 'weden. For the fi'cal Year 2003, FlyBe recorded revenue' of e842.5 million; an increa'e of 35% over 2002. It ha' a fleet of approximately 45 Boeing 737' and tran'port' over fifteen million cu'tomer' a year. FlyBe i' headquartered in Dublin Ireland, and ha' a workforce of about 1900 employee'.(Datamonitor)1.2Background and Hi'toryFlyBe Began operation' in 1985 with the launch of a daily flight on a 15 'eater aircraft between Waterford air port in the 'outh e'at of Ireland and London the company' fir't year , with only 57employee', it carried ju't over 5000 pa''enger' in on it' one route. Over the next three Year' it expanded Rapidly opening Many new route' between Ireland and the UK, and increa'ed the number of jet' in it' fleet. However whil't cu'tomer' continued to fly FlyBe, for the low airfare' the co't were not controlled ,and the company continued to accumulate lo''e' . By 1989, the company employed 350 people, operated 15 aircraft and carried 600000 pa''enger' a year, but 'till recorded lo''e' of 20 million pound' in four year'.(Datamonitor)Under a new management team a major overhaul of the airline wa' undertaken in 1990/91, with FlyBe re-launched a' a low fare'-no frill' airline , adopting the formula pioneered by 'outhwe't Airline' in the U'. Non-profitable route' were eliminated, the network wa' cut back from 19 to ju't 5 route'. 'ome aircraft were di'po'ed of and airfare' acro'' the remaining network were 'ub'tantially reduced with 70% of all 'eat' offered at the two lowe't fare'. By 1991, FlyBe wa' operating a fleet of 'ix aircraft, employing 350 people, carrying 700 pa''enger' on ju't five route' , and it had recorded it' fir't ever profit. Over the next couple of year', 'chedule' on the key Dublin-London route wrew increa'ed average air fare' were lowered and new route' were launched from Dublin to Birmingham, Gla'gow, Manche'ter, and Gatwick. The number of cu'tomer' continued to grow, thank' largely to FlyBe'' low fare'. By 1994,FlyBe employed over 500 people and carried 1.5 million pa''enger' per annum. In 2002, the company 'igned the large't ever order with Boeing for 100 next generation 737-800 aircrafgt with option' to buy up to a further 50 aircraft to be deliverd over the next 'even year' . it 'ucce''fully launched 22 new route' and opened two new continental

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Writting assingment on john wycliffe (argument ) Essay

Writting assingment on john wycliffe (argument ) - Essay Example The childhood life and the environment in which John Wycliffe grew shaped his future life. According to Roberts, the birth date of Wycliffe is estimated to be around 1330 and he grew up in Yorkshire, England (1). During this period, the clergy people had great influence in the community and flourished an expensive life compared to the other citizens. It is these scenarios that influenced Wycliffe to become an anticlerical supporter in the world of religion. Roberts further states that Wycliffe was interested in studying English and was also interested in the matters of spirituality (1). These passions exhibited by Wycliffe at his tender age were reflected in his life at latter years. For instance, Wycliffe was motivated to study theology at Rector of Fillingham College and also contributed to the bible translation into other vernacular languages (Roberts). These kinds of activities require people with passion to learn and exercise their writing skills. It is after his studies and interaction with the clergy people that Wycliffe clearly understood and influenced his civilization concerning the Holy Scriptures and the conduct of the church leaders. Because of his spirituality and involvement in various church activities, Wycliffe was supported by the church for his further studies in Oxford University. Wholesome Words Organization cites that John Wycliffe once served at the parish of Ludgershall (1). This indicates that Wycliffe real life experience of the functioning of church in England. Moreover, Farley explains how Wycliffe was directly involved in the spread of the gospel. However, it is after joining the Oxford University as a scholar that Wycliff started attacking the Catholic clergy for practicing the ‘wrong’ approach in Christianity. It is also at this time that he became closer to the son of King Edward III and therefore received

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Art Appreciation Essay Example for Free

Art Appreciation Essay Ancient art is art from cultures of ancient societies such as China, Rome, Greece and Egypt and most of these types of art shows gods, goddesses and pharaohs. The Egyptian art work is usually clear and simple that is put together with simple lines and flat areas of color that show order and balance. Most of the art from china show religious rituals and geomancy and it also shows continuity between ancient and modern times. Greek art has a lot of pottery, sculpture and architecture art and are will known for its standing figures. Roman art seems to show beauty and nobility with an expression of life-like qualities. The first painting is by Lorenzo Lotto and is called Venus and Cupid and is oil on canvas painting and shows Venus sitting on a dark blue satin cloth with her weight resting on her arm. Her color is a pretty off white with a ribbon around her chest called diaphanous stophein which is worn by new brides. There is a brown shell hanging above her head which represents her birth from the sea and the flowers shown on the bottom half of her body represent a symbol of love. The head dress she is wearing is decorated with gems and pearls that rest perfectly on her red hair. She is holding a wreath with incense burning while cupid is peeing through the wreath towards her. Cupid is a short figure with wings on his back with brown curly hair with a devilish look upon his face. The room has red cloth drape upon the back wall that accent the painting with all the other colors in harmony. This artist was portraying love and marriage and the room was more than likely a bride’s chamber in this two dememenional piece of art and is representational of sexuality, vitality and happiness. This piece could be a little controversial and is truly in the eyes of the beholder. Cupid and Venus. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. wtfarthistory. com The second painting is by Paul Gauguin which is oil on canvas painting with stretch wood and is called Ia Orana Maria (Hail Mary) which was inspired by Polynesian religious beliefs and is of an angel who revealed Mary and Jesus who are Tahitian to two other Tahitian women. Mary is wearing a red dress with flowers and Jesus is sitting on her shoulders naked and the two of them seem to have a halo around their heads. The other two women are shown looking at Mary and Jesus with wraps around their lower bodies and the upper half is exposing their breast. The painting have a jungle like atmophere with flowering trees and a dark blue path and emerald green with the foreground and bananas of the left of Mary. This two demensional piece is representational of religion, mystery and revelation and of the Tahitian culture. This piece is very colorful with reds, blues, greens and yellows that come together beautifully.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Archetypes In The Lion King :: essays research papers

Archetypes In The Lion King John Berry Edwards Per. 2 4/18/96   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Lion King is a story containing many archetypes. Archetypes are patterns or models of literature that reoccur in many stories. In this paper I will discuss three of these archetypes. They are the hero, death & rebirth of the hero, and the symbolism and associations of water vs. desert. These archetypes can be noticed easily and help things come together.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Lion King has a very evident hero, Simba. Simba meets many of the characteristics of an archetypal hero. Among these is the way that he is taken away from his home, the Pridelands, and grows up with Timon and Pumbaa. After Simba arrives with Timon and Pumbaa, we see very little of his life until he is fully grown. When the film returns to Simba, he soon decides to return to Pride Rock and face his past. He returns to save his kingdom from its desolation caused by Scar and the hyenas, and to restore it to its glory. The hero of a story commonly goes through some of these events.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Simba faces a common archetypal situation, death and rebirth. Although Simba never physically dies, in spirit he does die. The spiritual death of Simba is when he runs away from the Pridelands into the desert. Everyone in the Pridelands thinks that he has physically died. In fact, he nearly does die in the desert. Luckily, Timon and Pumbaa find him and keep him alive. The spiritual resurrection of Simba occurs when he returns to his home at Pride Rock. Everyone discovers that Simba is alive. It seems as if he has risen from the dead to them because for such a long time they believed that he was dead. At Pride Rock, Simba returns to his previous life and faces all of his problems.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The symbolism of water and desert in the Lion King is very important. Water often accompanies a change in a story. Water can also be a sign of birth and rebirth. An example of water foretelling a change is Simba's lie when he says that he and Nala are going to the water hole. They actually visit the Elephant Graveyards. This visit causes Simba to get a view of reality, not from his sheltered world. When Simba is found by Timon and Pumbaa in the desert, they splash him with water to bring life back into him. Another example of the symbolism of water is the rain when Simba defeats Scar and assumes his position on the throne of Pride Rock.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Internet Privacy in the Modern World Essay

The internet’s debut in 1988 which had revolutionized commercial transactions all around the globe had grown exponentially over the past decade. In fact, the world internet users and population statistics by the Miniwatts Marketing Group (2009) showed that 23.5% of the world’s population are internet users and that the growth of internet users from 2000-2008 is 336.1 %. This rapid increase in internet users paved the way for the development of electronic commerce or E-commerce. E-commerce, the exchange of information, goods or services online, had also gained popularity over time as more and more people discover the expediency of online transactions. However, the internet, which is a huge storage room of information, poses risks to one’s privacy through these E-commerce transactions. The privacy risks faced by internet users is one of the biggest threats in E-commerce, thus, this paper’s purpose is to provide information regarding internet privacy and the dangers associated with the loss of that privacy through the discussion of the following topics: the definition of internet privacy, the means through which one’s privacy can be compromised through the internet and the reason why internet privacy had become a major public concern. I. What is Internet Privacy? Internet privacy, which is another branch of privacy, is a basic human right. It refers to an individual’s ability to protect information about himself (Gadberg, Wagner & Brewer, n.d.). Privacy is protected by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and by various laws in different countries around the world. According to the initial results of the data privacy survey conducted by the director of the Philippine Internet Commerce Society, Atty. Lalen Parlade, almost all respondents in the private sector believed that data privacy is part of every person’s right to privacy, and that this right imposes limitations on the use by the government of citizens’ personal data (including name, personal circumstances, contact information), and limitations on the collection and use by private individuals of an individual’s personal data (including name, personal circumstances, contact information, credit card) . On the internet, privacy can be divided into personal information privacy, privacy of communications and anonymity. Personal information privacy deals with the amount of personal information shared with anyone else on the internet without permission. Privacy communications or message privacy is concerned with the security of information sent through communication channels, that is, the information sent would not be intercepted and leaked en route. Finally, anonymity deals with keeping one’s identity confidential (â€Å"Privacy,† n.d.). Among the three aspects of privacy, internet privacy is closely linked to anonymity which is the privacy of identity. Anonymity can refer to either persistent anonymity or one-time. Persistent anonymity refers to an online persona different from the personality created. On the other hand, one-time anonymity refers to an online persona that lasts for one use (Gadberg, Wagner & Brewer, n.d.). II. In what ways can one’s privacy be compromised through the Internet? One’s internet privacy can be compromised due to various data mining devices which store an individual’s personal information usually without that person’s consent. Some of the most common devices that collect a person’s data are search engines, spywares and cookies. Almost every individual who uses the internet is familiar with search engines such as Yahoo, MSN and Google. Search engines are the tools one uses when looking for information in the World Wide Web, the results of the search which are called hits are presented in a list. It is widely used for data gathering in the internet. In fact, the word google, the name of the leading search engine today, is starting to become a verb which is synonymous to look up or search. However, using search engines also has its costs, one of which was explained by Rushe (2007) in his statement, â€Å" A lot of people don’t realize that search engines save everything for you, everything you’ve searched for†¦the more these issues get into press, the more people realize that when they sit down at their keyboard, they’re being watched.† Many companies, including Internet Service Providers, search engine firms, and web-based businesses, monitor users as they travel across the Internet, collecting information on what sites they visit, the time and length of these visits, search terms they enter, purchases they make, or even â€Å"click-through† responses to banner ads. In the off-line world this would be comparable to, for example, having someone follow you through a shopping mall, scanning each page of every magazine you browse though, every pair of shoes that you looked at and every menu entry you read at the restaurant. When collected and combined with other data such as demographic or â€Å"psychographic† data, these diffuse pieces of information create highly detailed profiles of net users. These profiles have become a major currency in electronic commerce where they are used by advertisers and marketers to predict a user’s preferences, interests, needs and possible future purchases. Most of these profiles are currently stored in anonymous form. However, there is a distinct likelihood that they will soon be linked with information, such as names and addresses, gathered from other sources, making them personally identifiable (â€Å"Privacy and Human Rights 2003: Threats to Privacy,† n.d.). Due to these reasons, the public started to doubt the credibility of search engine companies. Google, which is the most popular search engine today, is feared by many. As expressed by Jesdanun (2001), â€Å"Although many internet users eagerly await technology from Google, Inc., it’s rapid expansion is also promoting concerns that the company may know too much: what you read, where you surf and travel and whom you write.† According to Chris Hoofnagle, senior counsel of the Electric Privacy Information Center,† This is a lot of information in a single basket. Google is becoming one of the largest privacy risks on the internet† (as cited by Jesdanu n,2001). In, addition to search engines there are spywares whose existence places computer users under constant surveillance by strangers. Spyware may be described as any software that uses a person’s internet connection as a backdoor approach intended to access personal or business information, without the knowledge or consent of the computer user. Spyware is often introduced into computers when people download files off the internet. File sharing can pose risks of spyware download, when people download music, movie or other types of p2p file sharing programs. Marketing and promotional companies use spyware as an effective tool, to access and collect information from computers. Spyware enables them to observe sites being visited, products being bought, chat line discussions, topics of interest, online searches by the user and the information obtained, allows the marketing company to direct targeted products or services. Spyware revolves around information going out to promotional companies and related advertisements coming in via the internet by way of email or pop-ups ads. Needless to say that spyware poses an immense threat to any computer user and can lead to the loss of privacy, stolen identity and financial risks. Spyware is a comprehensive term that includes adware,a trojan horse, a browser hijacker, keyloggers, and dataminers all of which affect online privacy. (â€Å"Are Your Computer Activities under Surveillance by Strangers,† n.d.). Finally, there are cookies. Almost every media site on the net uses cookies. Popular blogs have embraced them, Google and Yahoo! dispatch them to better target ads, retailers like Amazon rely on them to fulfill orders and even Sesame Street deploys them on its Web site. Cookies are simply text files sent by a Web site to your computer to track your movements within its pages. They’re something like virtual license plates, assigned to your browser so a site can spot you in a sea of millions of visitors. Cookies remember your login and password, the products you’ve just bought, or your preferred color scheme. Cookies make navigating the Web profoundly easier; however, there are third-party cookies which are also known as â€Å"tracking cookies† that are placed by an entity that’s interested in tagging visitors. Often they make sure a user won’t be hit with the same ad twice; others guarantee that someone who says they have an interest in sports gets different ads than someone who likes gadgets. But third-party cookies could also be used to compile a dossier of surfing habits, that means that it could track you over dozens of sites, logging every article you read, every ad you click on, and every gadget and gizmo you buy without your knowledge or approval (Penenberg, 2005). III. Why is Internet Privacy a major public concern? The great innovation that has led to the e-commerce revolution over the past decade has been the result of an open and flexible network environment with ever increasing connectivity and functionality. Unfortunately, this has also created many security vulnerabilities which represent a threat to users of the internet and to e-commerce merchants. Due to the glitch in the internet’s security system, privacy has become a major concern on the internet. The extraordinary growth of the Internet has created a number of privacy issues that society has never encountered before and therefore has been slow to address. Privacy issues on the Internet relate to two major concerns. The first concern is to control the rate, type and sequence of the information one views. A second concern relates to the ability of users to address and understand how organizations collect and use personal information on the Internet (â€Å"Internet Privacy,† n.d.). The first concern which is a control concern is the category to which spam belongs. Spam refers to a huge number of unwanted mails which are usually for commercial purposes. This is applicable to e-mails which convey the same message but sent repeatedly by the sender. This violates one’s privacy because it intrudes upon an individual’s private space and it results from the circulation of one’s e-mail address in the internet. The second concerns the various methods through which data privacy can be violated online through the use of information collected by commercial organizations. As Givens (2001) pointed out,† News stories of internet privacy threats are common place these days. The internet was designed as an inherently insecure communications vehicle. Hackers easily penetrate the most secure facilities of the military and financial institutions. Internet companies have designed numerous ways to track web users as they travel and shop throughout cyberspace. â€Å"Cookie† is no longer a word associated solely with sweets. It now refers to cyber-snooping. Identity thieves are able to shop online anonymously using credit-identities of others. Web-based information brokers sell sensitive personal data, including social security numbers, relatively cheaply. â€Å" One of the concerns raised by a number of individuals is the use of one’s stored information which refers to the fact that one’s online actions could be monitored by unauthorized parties, logged and preserved for future access many years later. One might not realize that one’s personal information has been monitored, logged and subsequently disclosed; those who would compromise one’s privacy have no incentive to give a warning (Gadberg, Wagner& Brewer, n.d.). Thereby, the accrued information about an individual’s transactions can incriminate or cause damage to the person from whom that information was collected. Another public concern is identity theft. Puno pointed out that the advent of the internet had provided â€Å" a new field of battle† in the right to privacy, saying that it may deprive individuals of the right to control the flow of information about themselves (as cited by Uy, March 13, 2008). The huge amount of information flowing freely on the internet makes an individual vulnerable to identity theft. Identity theft is a major problem and a vexing threat. It takes diverse forms and degrees ranging from simple unauthorized use of a credit card to complete takeover of a person’s identity. Furthermore, law enforcement officers find it difficult to identify and apprehend online Identity thieves. This may be due to the fact that they can use technology to conceal their identities and physical location, thereby frustrating law enforcement efforts to locate them. Accordingly, identifying an electronic crime scene can be a daunting task when the perpetrator may have routed his communications with the victim through computers in three or four countries, with obscure networks that are inaccessible to investigators. Additionally, perpetrators could make things much more difficult and complicated by using technology and encryption techniques that provide a high level of anonymity or assuming the identity of an innocent person. Moreover, the scale of online identity theft can exceed that of real-world crime in terms of the degree of harm inflicted by a single crime (Chawki & Wahab, 2006). Going further, another concern is being stalked and bullied online. Bullying and stalking are not only applicable in the real world but in the virtual world as well. Cyberbullying refers to the new, and growing, practice of using technology to harass, or bully, someone else. Bullies used to be restricted to methods such as physical intimidation, postal mail, or the telephone. Now, developments in electronic media offer forums such as email, instant messaging, web pages, and digital photos to add to the arsenal. Computers, cell phones, and Personal Digital Assistants are new tools that can be applied to an old practice. Cyber stalking on the other hand is almost always characterized by the stalker relentlessly pursuing hisher victim online and is much more likely to include some form of offline attack, as well. This offline aspect makes it a more serious situation as it can easily lead to dangerous physical contact, if the victim’s location is known (McDowell, 2008). Due to the nature of the above-mentioned concerns, internet privacy, specifically personal information privacy is very important. If one’s real identity is known in the cyber world one would be very vulnerable to the attacks of cyberbullies and cyberstalkers. Conclusion The increasing use of the internet in conducting E-commerce transactions totally changed the way of life. Today, with a click of a button one can get in touch with the rest of the world, one can get the latest lotto results online and one can pay our bills directly from our homes. However, while an individual is enjoying the features of the internet, that person is also faced with huge threats to privacy. These threats could be risky to an individual’s personal information privacy, privacy in communications and anonymity. But these trade-offs are necessary in order to utilize the functionality of the internet. It would be impossible to stop the use of internet especially at this age where different organizations from around the world are use the internet in conducting different transactions. Also, the internet is a huge information pool that provides large amounts of information to its users everyday. Of the 6,710,029,070 people in the world 1,574,313,184 for varying reasons. The internet also provides employment for a number of individuals so abolishing it is not an option. Internet Privacy is a very essential issue regarding E-commerce because it is one of the reasons why a number of individuals are still hesitant about going online. Getting rid of various data mining devices in the World Wide Web is also impossible because even if there are costs associated with those tools they also have their benefits. And so, the best course of action involves taking precautions in safeguarding one’s identity and staying informed. Gaining knowledge about internet privacy is very important because through this we will be aware of the amount of personal data that we reveal online.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Heavily Christian Essay

She creates a reputation for herself right at the beginning that you learn later in the play she has had most of her life. She seems unwilling to let anything spoil her reputation; it is quite astounding how she manages to keep this up all the way through the production until act 4 scene 5 where Petruchio’s scheme to tame Kate begins to work. Up until then everyone has seen Kate as a ‘Wicked Witch’ but not of the wrinkly kind. Just a Curst froward woman who cannot hold a conversation without making some nasty remark. All the way through the play various people say what they think of her. Hortensio refers to her as a ‘Devil’ and Tranio – â€Å"Stark Mad Wrench. † From this it is clear to see she is not really a well liked person. To make it seem worse her sister, Bianca, is what seems to be the most perfect woman ever. She started off with 3 suitors Gremio, Hortensio and Luchentio: Who thought she was fair, virtuous, beautiful and modest. It seems impossible that any woman can be so perfect. However in Elizabethan times it was expected that women were to behave like that. Behaving like a sweet innocent girl is what made Bianca seem so attractive, Idyllic Elizabethan young woman. There are many references in the play to suggest that Bianca is what every man wants. Gremio refers to her as â€Å"Sweeter than perfume itself. † Which is just another thing to add to her list of perfections. Once suitors had been chosen, in this case it was Luchentio and Bianca, Katherina and Petruchio, they were married soon after. Katherina and Petruchio were married within a week of knowing each other. Form what the play is putting across; it appears that once women are married they belong to their husbands. They do as they say and agree with everything. As it is said in the marriage vows â€Å"Love, Honour, and Obey. † This is demonstrated really well by Katherina in the final speech after she has been tamed by Petruchio’s schemes. If I were the directed of this play for the final speech I would have Kate walking around near Bianca and the Widow and looking at them, with them looking uneasy. Kate would also look at Petruchio admirably in the areas on the speech where she is referring to him. There is some irony in Kate’s speech. For example where she says â€Å"A wife can be Froward, Peevish, Sullen and Sour. † These are all the things that Kate used to be. To me her speech sounds sincere. It seemed like she is trying to apologise, as well as trying to get her own back on her sister Bianca and everyone who has called her a Shrew over the years. Her reputation that we had found out about in the beginning of the play has changed. However I think that some people don’t believe that she has changed. In this speech she is proving to everyone that.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Leading Change at Simmons

Leading Change at Simmons Free Online Research Papers The case explores the challenges of managing a large-scale organizational change at Simmons, an old and established company that manufactures and distributes mattresses. The new CEO, Charlie Eitel, hired to turn the organizations performance around, considers whether to implement an untraditional training program that includes outdoor experiential team-building activities as a central element of his change strategy. It gives us opportunity to consider the decision of investing in the expensive training program following the loss of the three largest customers - retailers that together had contributed a third of Simmons revenues. One central theme is the role of leadership in engaging and motivating employees to implement changes that improve product quality and operational efficiency and cost. The Company and its new leadership: Simmons Inc is a 130 year old mattress manufacturing company based in Atlanta. The company has changed many hands since it was founded in 1870 by Zalmon Gilbert Simmons. The recent acquirers Fenway Partners have appointed Charlie Eitel has been appointed the CEO of the company as he has the track record of turning companies around. Charlie has brought about a number of changes in the organization since he has assumed office. His endeavor is to making the companies a place were people like to work and with whom customers like to deal with. Problems What changes are brought by Charlie Eitel and how his leadership has affected the company during the first six months as CEO? Heading into 2002 what should be the management teams top priorities? Should Simmons roll out the GGOL program? If so, how, and how would you justify the $7.2 million investment to Fenway Partners? What approach should Charlie Eitel take to bring about change in the organization: conventional or unconventional? Simmons Culture and Values: The Company had established a core set of values since its inception which were: 1. Using history of the company to learn from and inform future decisions 2. Maximizing the opportunities to think creatively about how to solve business problems 3. Embracing innovation 4. Keeping customers needs at the top of the priority list 5. Caring about the associates 6. Empowering people within certain boundaries 7. Supporting one another These values have been coined as the acronym CHOICES. The last three set of values have been added on by Charlie to build employee morale and to foster the spirit of teambuilding among the employees. The â€Å"code of ethics† at Simmons focused heavily on fairness, respect, integrity and fostering growth and development in others. Charlie also added the leadership vision which focused on leadership as team’s obligations and responsibilities to themselves and other constituents. Finally Simmons workforce vision was a statement about associates right and responsibilities. All these things were aimed at creating and maintaining operational excellence. Critical Analysis: The organization was plagued by its culture of dictatorship where there was no sense of team accountability. None of the 18 units were integrated; in fact, even in times of crises, the units did not lend support to bolster the one another. Considering the situation where the company has faced a major loss in terms of three of its best clients and inventory loss due to poor quality foam, it is all the more necessary to salvage the company by injecting a motivating team spirit amongst the employees. The employees lack team spirit, people skills, communication skills (both at a horizontal as well as vertical level), and good leaders. This deficit is required to be addressed and the primary objective should be to determine whether the benefits of implementing a culture change program that will offset the huge capital expenditure involved. As we look into the problems that prevail in the organization the content has to be such that it focuses on team building skills, reducing power distance, augment motivation among employees and uniting various units that are competing instead of working in collaboration. Various components to achieve this objective could be Outbound Activity, Inspirational movie, Management Games, Motivational lecture to encourage change. At this point the company needs some changes to survive the financial crisis prevailed in the US economy. In this regard, Eitel was expecting to bring about a cultural and structural change in the organization to encounter the same, as there was internal competition started among its plants. The Great Game of Life (GGOL) was the step taken in this regard. The GGOL was a program that was designed to encourage team work and enhance team performance. Teams were made to perform tasks that would have individually, so far, been impossible to do. The purpose was to reiterate the virtues of interdependence, coordination and coexistence. Tasks that seemed daunting were made simple by team work and encouragement. The employees were motivated by these experiences and extend it to their work as well. The purpose was to enhance inter-team and intra-team interaction in order to facilitate improved customer satisfaction. It was more like a team-training exercise that aimed at developing interpersonal skills and cohesion and thus aimed more at group processes than content tasks. The process was thus targeted to provide development to the employees than just training. However, this approach faced stiff resistance since its implementation because of completely revamping the company’s dictatorial form. Further, several plant managers resigned since they did not wish to participate in the program. Also, Eitel knew that it would be extremely difficult to convince Fenway partners that the company wanted to incur a $7.2 million expense over three years in order to implement the training program. It was finally decided to initiate the process at the Charlotte plant- infamous for its poor culture and dictatorial practices. Thus, GGOL was implemented at the senior leadership level of the plant at the end of 2000 with its successful reception by plant manager Bill Wagner, and his team continued rolling it out to the rest of the employees. It brought about positive changes in the middle management’s outlook and was thus perceived as a fruitful change- trusting, openness among employee and productive working milieu. Also, this program helped in developing team culture which was missing and necessary in present situation. At middle level, the program inspired workers to work together as team and be united towards a common goal. However maximum resistance is expected at this level as the changes brought by GGOL will be maximum. People at this level are working for a very long time and they have embedded values which will be difficult to change all of a sudden. The way ahead: The training programs at Simmons have been very successful as we can see from its success at the Charlotte plant. Not only was there an increase in employee motivation but also an overall improvement in plants productivity. The Charlotte plant won the Plant of the year for its progress. Eitel needs to explain the benefits of training and development to Fenway Partners particularly when the economy is in recession, since at the time of recession there is low turnover hence the trained people won’t leave the company. It has been seen that the companies who invest more in the times of recession are the ones who gain more when the economy takes an upturn. Research Papers on Leading Change at SimmonsMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaThe Project Managment Office SystemOpen Architechture a white paperRiordan Manufacturing Production PlanMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductResearch Process Part OneIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfHip-Hop is Art

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Is euthanasia Ethical essays

Is euthanasia Ethical essays Euthanasia Comes from the Greek word meaning the good death. It is defined as The act or practicing the end of life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or an incurable condition, as by lethal injection or the suspension of extraordinary medical treatment. If a patient is suffering from an incurable disease, or is in pain and near the end of their rope I feel that euthanasia is the only humane answer to their predicament. There are two kinds of euthanasia, active and passive, Active euthanasia is an intentional act that causes death. Active Euthanasia can also be split into two different categories, involuntary and voluntary. Involuntary Euthanasia happens when a patient does not give the doctor permission to give them a lethal injection that would result in their death. On the flip side voluntary euthanasia is when the patient gives the OK for the doctor to go ahead with the injection because the patient feels they have no reason to continue with life. Passive Euthanasia is the intentional act to avoid the dying process. The Difference between the two (active and passive euthanasia) is that in Active Euthanasia the act performed on the patient directly kills and is meant to kill the patient. Passive Euthanasia occurs when doctors withhold treatment from a patient with a disease which might have ordinarily killed them if they didn ¡t get treatment for it. Many argue that practicing Euthanasia is just like murder, but euthanasia can be separated from murder because in murder there is a motive. There is no motive for doctors to kill their patient. They most likely don ¡t have a grudge to settle with a patient, and even if they did they are not allowed to settle it when it is their patient. Doctors take and oath that says they will try to help patients no matter the circumstance. If someone is suffering and there is no cure for they ¡re suffering the argument can be made that letting the ...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Epidemiological Principles and the Issue of Teen Pregnancy Personal Statement

Epidemiological Principles and the Issue of Teen Pregnancy - Personal Statement Example This legally mandated reporting system provides accurate data on the number of teens giving birth as well as specific demographic details such as race, legal residence, age, and the number of previous births (Martin 2006).     From this data changes, distribution patterns and trends over time can be monitored and areas for future research and causal relationships can be researched further.   This legally mandated reporting system provides accurate data on the number of teens giving birth as well as specific demographic details such as race, legal residence, age, and the number of previous births (Martin 2006).     From this data changes, distribution patterns and trends over time can be monitored and areas for future research and causal relationships can be researched further.  Ã‚   Additionally, based upon this ongoing monitoring, programs put into place to reduce or eliminate teenage pregnancy can be evaluated for effectiveness.   This is only possible t hrough this accurate data collection and just as importantly the publishing of results which allows researchers to evaluate and further investigate this serious issue.      The next area that shows the epidemiological principals are applied to the teen pregnancy problem can be found in the anonymity of data collection and studies performed.   Epidemiology focuses on groups of people as opposed to individual cases.   All the government agencies previously discussed as well as private agencies that present statistical data on teen pregnancy deal with teen pregnancy in terms of numbers, percentages and other statistics, which are further broken down into various categories such as race of mother, age, economic background, educational level, number of pregnancies and many other categories as opposed to individual case studies. Based on this ongoing data, researcher further applies principles of epidemiology by analyzing the data and through the scientific method make hypotheses based upon the data as to causal effects and contributing factors that increase the risk of teen pregnancy.   Also based on the data researchers can ascertain life-changing consequences teen mothers face.   These facts are determined by applying the epidemiological principle of studies performed by researchers.   There are according to the CDC two main types of studies observational and experimental.   In the case of teen pregnancy, various types of studies are conducted to evaluate relationships between teen pregnancy and various factors which contribute to it.   Additionally, studies are conducted to evaluate the effect of teenage mothers.  Ã‚  

Friday, November 1, 2019

The Importance of Recruitment and Selection in Public Sector Business Essay

The Importance of Recruitment and Selection in Public Sector Business - Essay Example 2. Recruitment and Selection are two different but related terminologies. This project shall therefore be an opportunity of identifying the difference that exists between these two terms and how each of them contributes to the success of the organization. 3. Through this project, the research shall seek to look into the difference between processes and merits of recruitment private sector and public businesses though the public sector shall be made the experimental sample. 4. Within the public sector business, the researcher shall scrutinize various reasons why human resource managers undertake recruitment and selection on regular basis. 5. Clearly, the various merits or importance of recruitment and selection cannot be realized if certain factors are not adhered to. Through this project therefore, the researcher shall find out the various factors that human resource managers within the public sector business setup must stick to in order to ensure that they benefit from the importanc e of recruitment and selection. 6. ... LITERATURE REVIEW Having noted that human resource personnel in the public sector have always been involved in recruitment and placement, one is left with not more than to ask of the importance of recruitment and placement in the public sector that human resource personnel cannot seem to stop the practice. There indeed exists a number of importance of undertaking recruitment and placement. Five major reasons, merits or importance behind recruitment and selection in the public sector have been discussed below. Satisfies Legal and Social Obligations of Organizations The first importance of undertaking recruitment and selection in the public sector is that it is a process that goes a long way to satisfy the legal and social obligations of institutions. International and various labor laws provide that public institutions make their placement processes very fair and open. For that matter, placement must be done only after certain stipulated guidelines have been fulfilled (Gilmore and Wil liam, 2009). In labor provisions, undertaking recruitment and selection is the legally mandated means to get employees to occupy vacancies. By undertaking recruitment and selection therefore, public organizations are getting themselves out of legal entanglements and fulfilling their social obligations of making the lives of deserving skilled and unskilled personnel better (Thompson and McHugh, 2009). Previously, activities of public sector managers regarding placement was not seen as a social task but strictly business and corporative. Today, it has come to be accepted that there could not be any better way for public institutions to be socially responsible to the people than employing as many deserving people as possible (Arnold, J. et al 2005). This is because research has